Cleaning dust from inside a computer


New Member
A friend has a big and powerful compressor which cost over £100 and I use it to clean the inside of my pc and boy is it powerful and quick.

Now I have seen a mini air compressor for sale at Lidl priced around 40. The spec is 100watt and max pressure is 3 bar. It's been sold as an airbrush set with the compressed air hose.

Question is with those statistics would this be powerful enough to blow heavy dust out of the heat-sink and generally everywhere ?
It may actually be to powerful, most people use can`s of compressed air.

I am surprised using an air compressor you have never damaged or broke anything on your motherboard.
I actually read somewhere that the pressure being blown out of a can is about 7.0 bar so this mini compressor just less than half the power output of a can - not quite sure what that actually means in reality !

7-10 bar pressure being blown into a PSU and onto a motherboard, heatskink, fans, etc shouldn't really damage anything .....Should it.
Provided it is just air and no moisture is in it !
Do you have a vacuum cleaner with different power settings on it?, if so use that on the lowest setting and the fine nozzle (for crevices). Only do this when the Computer is turned off and the vacuum is plastic.

Personally I prefer to use plastic cocktail sticks to shift the bulk of the dust build up in the heat-sink before using a vacuum or blower.

Do you have a vacuum cleaner with different power settings on it?, if so use that on the lowest setting and the fine nozzle (for crevices). Only do this when the Computer is turned off and the vacuum is plastic.
Creates too much static which can damage components, not a good idea at all really.

No need for a vacuum or blower, just put the computer in the dishwasher, no more dust!

Really, compressed air is the best way. Make sure it has no moisture in it though and you should be good to go.
still toying with the idea of buying the mini compressor from LIDL !
shall I, shall I not..

Went today and apparently the flew off the shelves on the first day. £40 for a 3 bar mini compressor. will jump on it next time. So for now it's the dreaded cans of air.
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