cheap, but decent video camera.


Active Member
I am debating on buying.
A video camera.
A digital camera with nice pictures and video.
Or a laptop.... Prolly out. I have no need for one.

Whats a cheap but good quality, portable video camera/digi cam.

Let me ask you a question.
What do you, g4m3rof1337, feel that you will benefit more from in the long run?

Great video's or great image quality?

Digital camera's are digital camera's and camcorders are camcorder's. Sure, one or the other can take on the other's role and record video and take pictures, but they both do their main role better.
True digital cameras are more for video, but the digital camera I have is able to record video at 640x480 resolution at 30fps, and will keep recording as long as you have space.