chasing down deceased family


Well-Known Member
ive looked an only found one place for a monthly fee. one option was for state in michigan. born in poland and came to the states when ever. know one knows. its my wife's mother. she passed in Detroit and my wife was raised in a foster home all her life. she does not even know when she was born. we have the full name only. we can find the father ok. how do i track down the mother.
were looking for a depth certificate and maybe a little history.
Local geneological societies can be a lot more informative and cheaper than any website out there. Just call the county office and ask about their society and the people are almost always excited to help people find their deceased loved ones.

Also, for gravesite information you can check out and which might be able to help.
one other thing.. i don't mind paying a fee for the service.
a monthly fee.......naa. its a one timer.
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chasing down the deceased... that's an interesting choice of words you got there :)

i say that with all respect to your family, good luck with your cause
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Most of my family is ok. grandparents and great grandparents have passed. i have all the history and have always been there from the beginning. on the other hand my wife was raised in an orphanage. she does not know the history. i can understand the why, where and who is. i said i would look into it. were getting there. others have asked in the past how. im 62 now. ive retired recently. i have plenty of time.
If your gonna use a website, I've had good luck with although be forewarned that it can be VERY time consuming.

I love doing ancestry stuff! If you need any assistance ill try my best to help you out! If your wife was from detroit though, start with their geneological society because they likely will have records of her mother of some sort.
So I couldn't resist your title

"chasing down deceased family" well you wont have to run fast at least.

But all joking a side I hunted down my family back to the 1400 at the genealogical society. You should give them a call and see what they can do for you.