change IP adress with every request?

stefan de boer

New Member

I would like to download an entire website, so I can read it offline. To do that I have two programms to download sites (calles Surfoffline and Webzip). The problem I have is that these programms give errors after a while. When I then acces the site online I see the message:

"0 Traffic limit exceeded for this IP address"

I tried using a proxy surfer and an another program (JAP) which claims to hide your IP adress, but it still doesnt work.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I think I have to use a programm that changes my IP adress with every request to download something. Is there such a thing, and how do I use it?

Thanks for helping me out!
yes I know that i'm grabbing to much bandwith of the site. Thats why i would like a programm that changes my IP adress constantly, so that the site doesnt know Im using that much bandwith.
I think the problem is with the images, not the text. So try to download that site without the images. For the images you can use this trick: enter in Google this search string "a site:<the site's address>" and enter in every cached page. After that you can collect the images from the temporary internet files.