CCNA Voice Self-Study



I was thinking about creating my own CCNA Voice kit this summer, just to teach myself more about setting up a VOIP system.

$500-$600 for kits on eBay are a little expensive for me, so, I didn't know if any of you had recommendations to create my own kit as a beginner.

This seems like it would be cheaper buying everything separately on eBay, and I can always purchase additional equipment when I need it.

Since I am sort-of new to VOIP, I know I would definitely like to interface with the PSTN to make outgoing calls.

So let me know what equipment you guys recommend, and I'll have to do some research to see what I can get for my money.

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It depends on where you want to go with it.

For the lowest cost solution you can even set up a CallManager Express (runs on a router) environment in GNS3 and use a couple of IP softphones like Cisco IP Communicator to practice registration and call routing. I interviewed someone last week who set up an environment in Packet Tracer.

If you wanted a hardware lab, something like a 2811 is a good all-around bet since you can use it for other labs such as CCNA Security or R&S up through CCIE. Phonewise you are looking at something like a 7942 or 7962 which can be had pretty cheap on eBay.

If you can 'find' a demo copy of CUCM in any variety after 5.x (Linux based) and install in a VM then that will give you a lot of experience setting up more-enterprise-geared type of deployments.

PSTN wise I would recommend a SIP provider like . You can set up SIP registration between CME and Flowroute to handle your PSTN traffic.
No problem, and certainly :D

I picked up the CCNA:V around 2011 so it's probably changed a bit, although it's usually more of a core-concepts kind of exam. Once you get a few labs going it generally stars clicking pretty fast. :)