Career Advice


I am not sure if this is the right place for this, but I figured it fit here.

I need some advice on the right IT job for me. I am considering is going into some sort of computer programming. My only problem is that I have a learning disabilitiy in math. I have heard that to be a seccessful programmer you have to be very proficient in math. If this is the case, is there anyway for me to overcome this feet and be a seccessful programmer? Im not really looking to be into making the next best game or anything. I am just looking to write code.. I know that most people dont want to do it and I mean im just feel like I could be the kind of person who could just "grind out code." I know that anything is possible or w.e, "follow your deams" all that but I want to know if it could really be done. Thanx for the advice.
Are you in High School looking at going to college or are you looking for a job change?

Your not the only computer guy who is not good at math...I'm terrible at the advanced math like Calc, Trig, etc. It just all gets jumbled in my head...yet I can ace any other course. Just try as hard as you can with math and if needed, spend more time in college with studying for the math courses. If you like to program, then why not become a programmer? If you have a goal to become a programmer...then work hard and earn that goal. Think about major in Computer Science...its a nice program and most companies tend to hire Computer Science majors over other computer degrees.
Programming requies logic. If you are good at figuring a way out of problems by logical reasoning, then u can definitely become a programmer. Programming doesnt require core mathematics.
Start with 'C' then move on to C++, Java or any other language of your choice.
I couldn't get past Calculus in college and I would consider myself a pretty good coder. You just need to know how to add, subtract, divide and multiply really. That's about all the math you need with programming these days. I would start with or maybe some C# to get your started. Also, people are creating a lot of cool things with Flash and Actionscript, which hardly requires math at all.

Im currently in college. My roomate was good at math and sucked at CIS ( computer programming ). He would sit around on c++ for days trying to do homework and other assignments. My other friend Han Solo is in the same field, he cant stand math, yet he is working on his Masters as we speak. I think it has to do more with determination and if its something you can see yourself doing.