can't be heard and fuzzy noise!


New Member
Hello all! On Skype, I could hear the other people but I couldn't be heard by them. I tried clicking on all sorts of things to do with sound in the control panel but nothing worked. On top of that, I now hear a background computer noise, pings and keyboard tapping. Does anyone know what I did and how I can get it back to normal? Help with the Skype problem would be appreciated too, but this background noise is so annoying when I'm trying to listen to the iPlayer radio. Thanks!
It sounds to me like your microphone isn't plugged in or is plugged in to the wrong port... or possibly muted...
It's more of a fuzzy, buzzing noise. Not only that, I can hear the internal sounds of the keys as I tap on them and there's a noise as I move my hands over the part of the keyboard without the keys. It's as if the microphone is picking up sounds from within the computer itself, but only with headphones in, no sounds when the headphones are unplugged. I know it's something I clicked on whilst trying all sorts of things to make myself heard on Skype, I just can't remember what I did to undo it!