can you hook up home speakers to a desktop?

It depends on the speakers but highly unlikely. Most sound cards today have low level outputs for driving headphones and line-out signals (input to other amplifiers). I can't find any data but I suspect a couple of watts max. PC speakers usually have the amps built into them. Some speakers work off USB power.

From memory, standard speakers are about 8ohm. The PC line-out usually drives headphones from about 32-140ohms. I don't know if you are likely to get the amp going into overdrive and clipping with 8ohm.

You can get quite a loud sound from a few watts with low quality speakers, not a lot of bass though. If your speakers are "hi-fi" size and type, you will need at least 30W a channel and more likely in the 50-100W range for a flat response including bass. Less power if you are putting the speakers next to the desktop. Amplifier probably needed.
Yeah, you'll need to get a receiver. Check Out Craigslist. You can probably find something decent for under $100.
You could try a DAC, Digital-to-analogue converter. I believe they have amps and receivers and all that. Bypasses the need for a soundcard too I think, and sounds best if you haver a high quality source (lossless FLAC, etc)
You could try a DAC, Digital-to-analogue converter. I believe they have amps and receivers and all that. Bypasses the need for a soundcard too I think, and sounds best if you haver a high quality source (lossless FLAC, etc)

Most DACs don't have built in amps. You'll have to connect them to receivers or amps.
You can always take any powered speakers, whether by adapter or otherwise, and use them, and even take them apart and connect them to your speakers. Your best bet would be to grab an amp of your choice, be it used or new. A sound card only puts out enough power to feed an amp.