Hey there, I got my father Logitech G51 speakers for christmas but we run into a little problem. His computer only has integrated sound card and doesn't support 5.1 Now he has old Vaio desktop and I don't know if he can and which sound card to get. He likes music a lot so he spends 90% time on comp with music on so we'd like to get some decent card that won't run us too much. Maybe $50-100 would b ok ? pros and cons would b nice so we could understand what we'r paying for more and what less for.
Anyway here's the specs for his old box (scroll down for specification)
and here's the websites we would use to buy since we'r in Canada:
Anyway here's the specs for his old box (scroll down for specification)
and here's the websites we would use to buy since we'r in Canada: