Can I add a networking card to my motherboard with an integrated nc??


New Member
I am having a bit of a problem with my computer and the internet connection. With all the problems that I have been having it seems that the problem is a hardware problem. Half the time when i start up my computer it tells me that there is a networking cable unplugged and the other half of the time it says that there is limited or no connectivity(my brothers computer works on the connection that I am trying to connect on so i know that plug works). This has been happening for a while now and rarely it lets me online with no problems at all. So i went throught the whole windows trouble shoot and I called this guy that I know who fixes computers and asked him a bunch of questions and its looking like its a hardware problem. So tonight I opened up my computer and found out that I have an integrated networking card. So my question is can I add a networking card to my motherboard eventhough there is a networking card already integrated? Thanks for your help people.
I just glanced at your subject, and yes, you can add another one no problem. You could even have them both going at once, or disable the onboard in the bios(seeing as it's acting up)
you can have as Many as your computers PCI/PCI-E slots allow. Not that that would do any good but hey its possible and plus i could go Hey Kusama I have 5 Nic Cards!!!!