Can anyone help?

J dogg

New Member
Hi there

Wondering if any of you could help me, I'm running windows vista and basically in my Music Folder I have a load of folders and inside these folders i have album named folders...and inside them i have music files.

Now, I have a USB memory stick and have all these folders on it too and I use it to play all the music on my xbox whilst I play or when i want to listen to this music through my stereo system however, because of the thousands of folders there are it takes ages to load the music so it will play both on the xbox and my stereo...

So I was wondering if any of you kind fellas know if there is a way to extract all these music files which are located in different files and place them all into just one folder?

picture below shows how its organized at the mo, some computer program extracted all my iphone music and set it out and organised it like this, not good.

Anyway can anyone help?? cheers
There is a much simpler solution than that. I have had to do this several times before. There is a program called Suction that would take files out of folders and put them in a folder of your choice but I can't get it to work anymore. But there is an alternative, called n2ncopy. It's not quite as intuitive or nice but it gets the job done.
How downloading and installing a program is easier than a single command line command, I can't figure out....

for /R c:\source %f in (*.xml) do copy "%f" x:\destination\

c:\source -> the top level directory to search in (the music folder)

(*.xml) -> the files you want to copy (to copy all files do *.* If you only wanted mp3's you would do *.mp3)

x:\destination\ -> where you want to copy the files to

What's cool is instead of typing the directories, all you have to do is drag the folder into the command prompt window, and it'll populate the directory path.
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Cheers for the replies lads

Any chance Troncoso you could explain in noob form how to do that mate, dont get all those commands if I'm honest?? how and where should i use them lol??

as for n2copy, downloaded that but still left loads of files which i dont want but ta
Press Windows key + R to open the run prompt. Type "cmd" (without quotes) and press enter.

That'll bring up the command prompt(black screen). Copy the entire command:

for /R c:\source %f in (*.xml) do copy /Y "%f" x:\destination\

Replacing the red parts only with the information required. In order they are:

(1) The folder that contains all the directories with files you want to copy. This is probably your entire music folder.

(2) The type of file you want to copy. If you want to copy all files possible Use "*.*" (no quotes)

(3) The folder that you want to copy all these files to.

For 1 and 3, these are file paths. To find the file path right click the folder, and go to properties. For example, my music folder path is:

D:\My Music

A file I might copy them all to would be

C:\Users\Troncoso\Desktop\New Music Folder

So, my whole command would be:

for /R D:\"My Music" %f in (*.*) do copy /Y "%f" C:\Users\Troncoso\Desktop\"New Music Folder"

Notice the quotes around My Music and New Music Folder. If you use folder names that have spaces, you'll need to surround them with quotes.
Just to be sure, I ran that, and it works well. Keep in mind if two files have the same name, you'll only see the last one copied.

If you are having trouble building the command, just post your music folder path and the path of the folder you want to copy everything to, and I'll give you the exact command you should run.

EDIT: Oh. After putting that command in the command prompt, press enter to run it. Also, if you use *.* for the second part, that will copy everything. Album art and all. If you only want music files, you'll need to use *.mp3 or *.ogg or whatever your music files are.
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Hello troncoso

Sorry for the late reply dude, had a lot on my plate at the mo, cheers for the instructions how to do it tho, appreciate it mann.

If that's alright could you possibly build the command for me mate??

This is where all the music is which i need transferring, its the one with the tick next to it see pic:


and the folder it can all be put into can be a folder on the desktop called new folder:


appreciate if you could build up that command for us when you get a chance dude, build it so it transfers all the types of files if you can :)

Like Troncoso suggested.Use xcopy...It's a great and useful command line utility!

The most simple solution that comes to my mind would be:

xcopy [SourcePath]*.mp3 [DestinationPath] /E /S /Y

The command above will copy ONLY the MP3 files from any folder.
Note that E,S and Y are parameters.Xcopy has them a lot.I only used 3 of these as an example.You can choose by yourself which ones suit the best for you.


Oh God I am SOOOOO tired lol...
I will sleep so much tonight! :D