Can Any1 Tell Me How To Put A Password On A Linksys Wireless Network???


New Member

Hi all, i am just wondering how to put a password on my wireless network, i have had some people having free internet off me and would like to cut them off :P. (It is the wireless G broadband 2.4GHz 802.11g)
Thanks in advance
Well there are two types of passwords. There is the wireless security "password" which is required to connect to your router. Then there is also a password required to login and change the settings of your router.

You need to login to the router (usually // in linksys) and enter the admin password if requried admin/admin is default. Go to the wireless tab and the security tab. Turn on the password wep protection.
Thats it.
open your web browser, type the default username is admin and the default password is admin, if that doesn't work someone prolly changed it, and you should press and hold the reset button on your router for a few seconds, then try it again. then when you login, goto Wireless, then goto Wireless Security and enable "WPA Pre-Shared-Key" and type in a really good long random password/key, also, sometimes people will enable remote administration on the router so they can take encryption off if someone puts it on, goto "Administration" to change the password, and disable remote management.

but before you do anything you should reset the router because you don't know what settings people have changed.
What Trizoy and Panicbyte said before are both correct...
Open your internet browser, enter IP address (for some Linksys I believe its, log in with user name blank and password "admin" (unless of course someone changed it). Wireless > Wireless Security... heres where you have some choices. You can choose WEP, WPA, or WPA-PSK (pre-shared-key). WEP is not as strong as WPA but it is more compatible with most devices. WPA-PSK is basically a "home networking" simplified version of WPA, but just as secure. I use WPA-PSK on both my home networks and thats what I suggest.
If you can't log in, someone may have changed your settings and like panicbyte said, you should probably reset the router (get a paper clip and press and hold the reset button).
i used whatever the older and more insecure encryptionn was as my pda couldnt do the newer one.

Also a good idea is to hide the ssid