Can a computing device's display be made grayscale, permanently?


New Member
Does anyone out there know of either an "app" for say a tablet or maybe, say a software program for a Windows, Linux or Apple PC that I could aquire and install that would render the entire deskop operating system environment and its applications and software in grayscale on the display?
I ask this for accessibility reasons. I find too many desktop operating system environments and applications far too colorful and graphical theses days which gives me periodic dizzy spells and headaches from time to time. I think we are in the age of extreme color and extreme graphics in the computer world.
I wish developers would tone things down greatly. I've tried tinkering with settings and mucking around with different things in settings on various different computers and OS's I've used over the years, however thats usually a pain in the butt, and would rather just apply something that instantly and easily makes everything in black, white and grayscale. I have even considered getting an old monitor that the color doesn't work anymore on it and just simply using that as my display. However I think I need a CRT for that....

Hmm, I had a quick search for programs that'd do exactly this on Linux (it's the most customisable operating system out of the big three), and it turns out there isn't much!

If you're on Windows, and you use an nVidia graphics card, you can adjust desktop colour settings as so:


By toning digital vibrance all the way down, I think you end up with a greyscale image (or with very little colour). You can also play around with the hue/contrast as well. This will permanently apply the settings, so every time you boot up, you'll be seeing a greyscale desktop.

The other option is to manually tone down the saturation on your monitor. You'll need the right type of monitor for this though that has this setting (most do, I'm pretty sure). You can play around with the hue/contrast etc.

This next program doesn't do a greyscale image, but a nifty workaround. Based on where you live, this software known as f.lux will automatically adjust your monitor colour settings/brightness to best suit the time of day. It might be a nice alternative :) Works on all three major OS's + iPads!
Search "greyscale" in Google Play. The first one listed for me costs $1.25 and is simply called "Greyscale Theme".

Edit: Just realized you didn't want something for a Tablet. Disregard this Post ;)
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