cable splitters


New Member
you know cable splitters those fun little things people like to split thier cable with. well are pretty much all the ones on the market today digital or are alot of them analog? and how do u tell if they are digital? just look for an amount of decibels on the outputs/intput?
if your wondering how this ties into computers it would be good if i could split my cable in my room so that i dont have to run another wire through my walls and could still use my cable internet and watch tv.
I think most of them are digital but im not positive.

As for the splitter, remember most that they sell at places like radioshack are junk.

You want at least a 1ghz (1000mhz) splitter for the internet. It is NOT recommended that the cable modem be more then 2 splitters in. Its best to have it connected to the first splitter in your system.


Cable Modem

Or something like

Cable Modem
wall=< TV

Etc, etc. Otherwise you will lose a lot of signal and the internet wont work that well. Its also a good idea to look at the modems info afterward and check the decible reading, usually lower the better (on comcast anyway)
interesting and do you know anything about signol amplifiers? is there any degredation of the signol when they are used?