Cable Management Beyond Your Computer


I'm looking for some tips/products on cable management outside of the computer case. As well as feedback on my attempt.

This is what I had:


This is where I'm at:


I like my end result, but I'd like a way to clean up the cables coming down and I'm not really sure what to do about them, most are already at there max for length. I'm thinking the best I can do is use something better than a few zip ties to clean them up, but I have no idea what to use?

On a side note, I cleaned up my TV and Xbox while I was at it:

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well done sir, 100X better


Looks Great! I need to get to that myself.

Thanks, yea it takes quite a while to do. I half-assed it the first time which took me around 30 minutes. This time it took me a good 3 or 4 hours, not including what I did with my Xbox and TV.

Nice job. :good:

If your still looking to do more.
Wire loom. Don't cost much at a Home Supply Store.

Thanks, that is exactly what I'm looking for. :)

Wow, you just blew my mind Bacon.... that looks good.

Thanks man :cool:

get a wireless deskset bacon and will get rid of the last hanging cable

I would if they made that model with wireless. My dad refuses to let me buy anything other than that type of keyboard, which confuses me because I'm the one buying it, but its still his house.. His rules :(

I think I might have a couple ideas for that though, maybe a loop for it to go through or something to hold it up higher so it isn't as noticeable. I'll post a pic of my attempt.

Edit: Much better :D


Only problem is that the keyboard needed more cable slack so I had to pull up the connection between the keyboard and the PS2 extension cable, which just makes me want to hide those cables even more :(

The solution:

Its just a little red hook and the keyboard cable just so happens to like to go upwards when I push the keyboard to its resting position.
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