C# learning advice?


First off, it's good to be back (i still keep remembering this site haha).

But yea, onto the topic here!

Like yeah, i started learning C# a month or 2 ago after i met one fella who somehow got be back to learning (gave me a task on unity that i could not solve but that's what got my "fire burning" again) so i started learning C# via tutorial videos.

And well yeah i at least try to learn programming 1h a day or minimum 1 tutorial video a day and i thought i am progressing the right way, but as it seems, i was wrong.

The thing is, someone gave me a super simple task on C# that was about for loops and arrays that i just had learned about in a tutorial video and what do you know - i couldn't solve it!

And well, then i realized - learning 2 months from tutorial videos and having so little progress..well..something must be wrong + i got really upset!

Why upset?

Thing is, i have learned (or well... tried to learn ) different programming languages (HTML, python, Java) and well, the reason why it was so short lived was because of 1 reason - unsure what to do next.

I really want to learn this programming language to make games and applications and not fail like i have in the past, so i am really scared of doing it again, that's why i am asking - do any of you fellas have advice for me how to move on, where to learn and so on?

Or am i just overreacting as it is natural to have such little progress in such a time span when you're a beginner?
IMO sitting down and reading an online tutorial or book is boring and it's easy to lose interest.

Instead, I'd suggest trying to solve a problem. There are numerous on https://projecteuler.net/ that you could pick from a wide range of difficulties (or elsewhere). Then try writing a C# program to solve it.

You aren't necessarily going to learn the best way to do things, but you should be able to see what works and what doesn't. If your solution is slow, find out why it is slow and make it better.