Building my fist computer

Well I was thinking of building my new computer. It is for gaming and music making. I need some help from you fellow members. I have very few experience with this kind of stuff. I want to know what parts you recommend me to buy? I know I need:
* PC case
* Power supplie
* TX Motherboard
* Graphics/video card
* Sound card
* Hard drive(s)
* optical drive (DVD burner or Blu-ray)
* Surge Protector
* Network Interface Card
* Operating System software

The question is, what companie products and what properties should these components have. Shoot!
Budget should be less than 1000euros (would perferr round 500 beacouse i want to buy effect pedal for my electric guitar and also a acoustic guitar), this should me absolute maximum. And games should be MW style. This pc that I have now has lag even in League of Legends. This is why i can't play better games now.
A important this should be music making - I would record songs/ covers. I'm a avarage singer and I started to play guitar a year ago.

I'm sorry if my text is confusing, but english isn't my mother language.

Thanks for reply!