Building a small computer


New Member
So lately I've been wanting to build my own small computer that will use the new linux Mint "Olivia" OS. I choses what I think is a good CPU:
AMD Athlon X2 340 Trinity 3.2GHz Socket FM2 65W Dual-Core Desktop Processor AD340XOKHJBOX

And now I need to pick a motherboard. I'm not particularly well versed in computer building so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks to anyone with input, Mag.
I usually recommend Gigabyte or Asus mobos but you'll probably find a good one in your budget by Googling best AMD FM2 motherboards and check out the reviews.
I also use Gigabyte or Asus or MSI, These I would say are the best to use without Problems.
No idea where you from or how much you want to spend but a good board to buy for that socket and CPU would be the ASUS F2A85-M LE. I'm in the UK and it's about 65 quid and is micro ATX, so it's pretty small and spec looks good. That's using the A85X chipset which is the highest-end chipset you can get for that socket.

If you want to go even smaller and get mITX there's the Gigabyte GA-F2A85XN which has Wi-Fi built in but costs 90 quid (mITX is often more expensive than mATX).

If they're a bit expensive than there is the A55 chipset which is for FM2 and those boards are around 40-50 quid or so.

There are ATX boards available too but since you said you wanted it to be small I only mentioned mATX and mITX boards.

Stick with ASUS, Gigabyte and MSI and you'll be fine. You should be able to find the boards I mentioned in your country.
I would recommend getting an Intel Celeron G540 and a socket 1155 motherboard instead of AMD. It's faster than the X2 and only a few dollars more. I have a G540 system and I'm impressed with it that after I build this system in my sig I kept the Celeron box.