Building a Computer? Can you help me with something?:)


New Member
Hello, My name is Jack, i would like to build a computer, i have all the parts, im fairly new at all this kindove stuff, i really enjoy working with computers, here is a video of what happends when i try to boot the computer, Yes i have everything..

CPU/Cooler Or whatever.. Haha
I have a CD/rom I was trying to reboot the computer to windows xp but it wouldnt let me so yea..All it sais is "Cannot find boot mngr" or something like that.


Thanks for your help. Any help is apreciated! :) thank you once again:good:

If the video doesnt show, heres the link:

THank you for helping :)
Are you using an old drive on a new computer setup? You can't take an existing installation and just put it in a new computer and expect it to work. You need to boot to the install cd and delete any existing partitions, repartition and then format and install the OS. You will lose any data on that drive however unless you back it up first.
Umm yeah im using an old hard drive, but i reformatted it on my main computer first so it had nothing on it..So yeha..But yeah.. soo hmm..:S:S

You need to boot off the install CD, not the HD. Go into bios and change around the boot order or hit the key that pops up the boot selection at startup (mine is f12 but look in your mobo).

I think thats the issue but tbh, this thread is awfully confusing. Why do people keep saying looking great so far?