Bought the parts!(finally)

Ok guys, I really truly thank you guys for the help, I just ordered the rest of my pc today,gpu,ram,hdd,wifi,monitor,psu.Acctully, ordered monitor yesterday,and psu the day before.Read my sig for the parts.For stuff the sig doesnt cover:PSU SS 380 stands for SeaSonic 380Watts, hdd is a maxtor 7200 rpm 160 gb diamondmax 10, monitor is a xxxx x 768 led lcd with a vga port and by AOC, wifi is a usb dongle thats cheap, ram is below 700 mhz and above 400 mhz, i forgot.Will post pics when its done! Hopefully it all works.
Raz3rD said:
Sorry to correct 667MHz DDR2 lol. I always wanted to correct someone, sorry :P
Ah yes that was it. Couldn't remember off the top of my head so I just said 666.
No the RAM is runs at 1066MHz, remember it's DDR - Double Data Rate, double 533 you get 1066. 1066MHz was the fastest DDR2 you could get without overclocking. :)

And it's ok my friend. ;)
800MHz really runs at 400MHz just like 1066MHz really runs at 533MHz. Does 533MHz show in CPU-Z or is it written on the sticks themselves? If it shows up as 533MHz in CPU-Z it's likely 1066MHz, but if it says 533MHz on the DIMMs themselves it's probably 533MHz. I have 1648MHz DDR3 in my machine and the DRAM frequency shows up as 824MHz on CPU-Z.

Hmm the GT 240 is kind of a weak card but probably OK for what you want. You seem so concerned about your graphics card though. :/
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Well, gpu is temporary, until christmas *wink*, But i do some graphicly intence games from time to time, minecraft, quite a bit.
I think if you want to upgrade your GPU at Christmas you might also want to think about a new power supply too. 380W just won't cut it for anything more powerful than what you've currently got.

Anyhow, pleased you got your stuff, and enjoy your system. :)
Yeahl, i know, i just thought about that a couple days ago, plan on getting a corsair 500watt and maybe a 650ti or 660 se if they come out by christmas and under the $150 mark (would be $200 but psu cost $60) or a hd 7770 or 560 or...some good gpu.Ill try upgrading cpu and mobo by christmas to.
Yeahl, i know, i just thought about that a couple days ago, plan on getting a corsair 500watt and maybe a 650ti or 660 se if they come out by christmas and under the $150 mark (would be $200 but psu cost $60) or a hd 7770 or 560 or...some good gpu.Ill try upgrading cpu and mobo by christmas to.

yeah the 240 isnt bad tbf. It plays some of the new games, wont play them awesome quality but will play them with eye candy off etc. Also if you do want to upgrade Mobo, cpu, ram, psu and gpu by christmas, just keep saving until then. Then you have a total budget and also might be able to spend more than you first could.
Yeah, im saving up, never had anything to save up for befrore, to be honest, but, dont you get it?Ill get by Christmas the time of giving, or getting, if you know what I mean.
If he got DDR2-533 it will be 533 data rate that is PC2-4200
If he got DDR2-1066 that would be 1066 data rate and that is PC2-8500

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Yeah, but therte is no way a geforce 240 can play bf3 at 40 fps on high.Ill just have to try it out when I get it in the mail, not bf3, but some other game, ill post the benches.