Caunterstrike, it almost certainly won't be your partition, it is a driver or kernel issue if you got PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA
Put your OS disc in and boot from it, run repair and see if it pops up with any issues, if it does, let it fix it and try ableton again because a kernel issue may have caused it (the kernel is the part of the OS that connects hardware to software).
If still no luck, find out all of the hardware that you have and get the most recent drivers for it, then boot in safe mode, uninstall all drivers and install the newest ones, this should fix and driver problem should there be one.
If it still freezes when you run ableton then you have 3 possibilities, i will put in order of likelyness:
1. Ableton has a software conflict with another program or compatibility issue with your operating system. If that is the case, scrap Ableton, count your losses and find a suite that works with your system.
2. You have driver compatibility issues which can't be resolved without finding out what isn't happy with what else and buying a new piece of hardware with drivers that are happy to work with each other.
3. There is an issue that we haven't found yet
If i can ask, what makes you think it is your partition?