Windows 8 Blank Screen After Boot, Need Help

Hardware Hank

New Member
Hi, everyone!

I've got an older model Toughbook (a Panasonic CF-C2) loaded up with what I'm pretty sure is 8 Pro (based on the sticker on the back).

I hadn't touched it in a while since it's not my daily driver, but I wanted to try some things out to try making it useful, and after booting up, the screen went completely black. To be clear, the screen was on, active, and responsive during the boot-up process, so I know I'm 90% sure it isn't a hardware issue. I didn't move it at any point, so it's probably not a connection problem.

I also seem to recall having had problems with the screen in the past, though I'm not 100% sure if it was this particular machine or its "brother" (I got two of these from my old college as they were getting new machines and giving away the old ones).

If this is the machine that had the brightness issue, then the problem is mostly self-inflicted. Like I said, it had been having brightness problems, where it was always set to the lowest possible brightness, and the manual settings had no effect on it. After doing some troubleshooting, it had been suggested that I delete and reinstall the display drivers. I had been told that it would automatically re-install the needed drivers on a restart and fix the issue. It, eh, didn't.

My own faulty memory is insisting that I had somehow fixed that, but I don't remember how or when, and the black screen is heavily suggesting that my memory sucks (can confirm, my memory does suck).

Assuming that's the problem and it isn't a hardware one, how can I fix that and get my screen back? I assume that if I run an output to an external monitor, I'll still have the same problem.
What exactly happens when you turn it on? Do you see the boot screen and then possibly when it enters windows it goes dark? If so, then its a driver issue. Boot to safe mode and you should see the screen when it gets into windows. Then its just a matter of installing the correct video driver.
I'm able to get to the blue boot setup utility menu by hitting F2 pretty much as soon as the screen kicks on. I'm not seeing an option to boot in safe mode, but I did see the "display" setting was set to "external monitor" and not "internal LCD." I changed it over, and now I'm attempting to reboot it to see what happens. Will update when it finishes.


My idea didn't work. On the bright side, I am able to adjust the brightness settings while I'm on the setup utility, so there's that. . . I did get to a different menu from repeatedly hard restarting my computer with the power button. This one is blue, I'm able to use my trackpad instead of the arrow/enter keys, and I've got a few options like "continue," "troubleshoot," and "turn off your PC." Is that the "safe mode"?


With some quick Googling, I found the "safe mode," and that fixed it. Thank you! Nine times out of ten, I'm just bumbling around like Mr. Magoo, lol
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