Black screen and white line


New Member
My computer won't load...when you turn the computer on all you get is a black screen with a white blinking line in the corner. Even if you press f8 while you're booting, it still does the same thing and it just makes the beeping sound. It does say that SMART failure is imminent, does this mean my hard drive has failed and need replacement?
That means that your MBR / BOOT SECTOR is gone and you CAN NOT fix it even by using the Recovery Console from your Windows CD or DVD!Or maybe you can,but the chances are 1% lol.Anyway to fix your problem,do the following:

-Download Linux Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image...
-burn it on the blank CD...
-Boot from that CD and choose "English" and then choose the first option called "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer"...
-Inside of the Linux Ubuntu,in the upper left corner go to "Places"->"Computer"
-There find your HDD on which you have all your data.Go in it then select EVERYTHING FROM IT then right click on any of the selected items and then click "Copy"...
-Go back...
-Now go into the USB HDD,there create the folder and call it for example "CLONE" then go in it and inside right click an then click "Paste"...
-Wait for the copying process to finish...
-After the copying process is finished,close the window and then in the upper right corner go to "Live session user"->"Shut Down" and again click "Shut Down" on the window that has just opened...
-While shutting down,your CD/DVD-ROM drive tray will open so take the Linux Ubuntu CD out,put in the Windows CD or DVD because you will need it,close the CD/DVD-ROM drive tray and then click the ENTER button on your keyboard...
-After your computer is completely shutted down,unplug the USB HDD
-Now turn on your computer and using your Windows CD or DVD delete ALL the existing partitions and then install Windows again...
-After you have fully installed Windows operating system on your computer,take the Windows CD or DVD out from your CD/DVD-ROM drive and put in the Linux Ubuntu CD...
-Shut down your computer and after it has shutted down wait at least 15 seconds...
-Plug the USB HDD in your computer again...
-Turn on your computer and boot from the Linux Ubuntu CD again and choose "English" and then choose the first option called "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer"...
-Now again in the upper left corner go to "Places"->"Computer"...
-Now go into the USB HDD and then go into that folder we created before.In this example we called it "CLONE".So go into that "CLONE" folder,select EVERYTHING from it and then right click on any of the selected items and then click "Copy"...
-Go back...
-Go into your computer's HDD and there on the empty space right click and then click "Paste"...
-When you are prompted to replace items,select to replace all!!!
-Wait for the copying process to finish...
-After the copying process is finished,close the window and then in the upper right corner go to "Live session user"->"Shut Down" and again click "Shut Down" on the window that has just opened...
-While shutting down,your CD/DVD-ROM drive tray will open so take the Linux Ubuntu CD out,close your CD/DVD-ROM drive tray and then press the ENTER button on your keyboard...
-After your computer is fully shutted down,wait for at least 15 seconds and thats is!
-Now turn on your computer and enjoy!

Cheers!Who ever you are xD

Your hard drive is on the razors edge of failing, or has already failed. I hope you had your files on backup. I'd recommend buying an external hard drive, backup the files you have to have, then install a new hard drive to your computer and copy transfer your backup files files over if possible. That is if the info on the old failing HDD is not replaceable.

And/Or you could take the chance (and time) needed to run a diagnostic utility on the hard drive (most manufacturers have one). But, you don't say much about the computer, like brand, model, modifications, any recent problems, when it was purchased, what kind of shape it's in (good/bad), have there been any any changes from stock configuration, any major changes to the OS software or the computers hardware.

Does it take a long time to bootup, run programs, save anything, etc...? Are there any unusual sounds (e.g. clicking) and/or smells (like something burning), coming from the computer?

If you are getting SMART notifications, then I would bet cash that the HDD is VERY near death, or is already dead. Those warnings are usually like seeing the grim reaper (he's coming for your hard drive). Sorry to say it!