BFG Tech 6200 OC 256MB APG


New Member
Used, BFG tech Nvidia 6200 OC(by default(not me), only 25mhz on core) 2265MB and APG slot. Has fan built on it and comes with box.

This is the same thing as my CPU and mobo for sale, I need to see if someone is interested in it and how much they will pay, so then i can buy my new card depending on it, then i can sell it(Still asking for money after i buy my new card, so im relying on trust that you will actully buy my card after :P )
[-0MEGA-] said:
If your still selling it, im interested. Keep in mind that you can buy it brand new for aorund $40.
Where? I have not seen it for that price. Not the same one at least. I have seen bfgs 64 and 128mb low profile cards for around that price, not not any of bfgs 6200 256mb OC kind.
Whats kind of ironic, is when i was selling that, i was going to get a mobo and pcie card right then, then my changed planed, and now a long time after i got a new cpu mobo and video card yesterday...what perfect timing.

Anyways, I have a friend that might want to buy it so let me get back to you because I'd radther not deal with shipping and payment and such if i dont have too.

Out of curosity where did you see it for that price? when i was looking(before at least) it was around 80$ish.(One thing I hate about AGP, practically jsut as good as PCI-E still, yet they are more expensice, by alot)
newegg isn;t working for me right now(as it hasn;t on and off for the past several days) so i'll take your word for it. I'll let you know as soon as my friend john lets me know.

It works for me now, i assume you mean the evga one?

by BFG tech one, comes with a Fatory default OC( tis not much, only 25mhz but still better then normal..slightly..) comes with a fan on the metal heatsink, and a lifetime warrenty, and has free Gamedrive 9.0 with it on the drivers disk.
I know its not much of a difference but its still better, and its known to be a higher "quility" brand like XFX.

IDK, its not much of a difference like said, i'll let you know eather my friend takes it or not as soon as he tells me.
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