Beta and official LAN server.


Active Member
I am building a lan party server, in a few weeks.

I was told all i will need is.
A Computer.
A switch *...ethernet router?*

i think theres more... cant remember.

Now, what i mean by beta is.
A working computer, but like 128mb. of ram and stuff.

Why you ask? to make sure my... case will work.
So... as cheap as possible.

I will need parts for under 200 maybe 250.
Of a good rig, to host these lan parties.

What g4m3r has in mind.
Dual core Pentium D
SmoothWall Os.
Linksys switch box to host ethernet *dont have one picked out*


If you can, just provide links, or advice.
What games do you plan on running? If it is anything run Via steam, you will need an internet connection to Steam.

And remember that server has to run the connection of all those pcs, and the game.
Counter strike source. BF2142. Ill list other games later.
What about a lan server, for css.
no internet connection needed?

Runnin' a connection to all the pcs will be the ethernet cords, correct?

Heres how i think it goes.

[Computer/lan party server]---router box---connecting everyone whos hooked up to router.

And if i can, add an internet connection.


The server will be dedicated, meaning ill have a computer to game on, then another computer dedicated to being the network.
Your thinking the right idea.
But im pretty sure to run a server for those games your gona need to buy a copy.

Not 100% sure, but im pretty sure you will need say..another copy of CS:S to run the dedicated server in steam.

Correct me if im wrong
