Best time to buy computer


New Member
I was wondering when the best time the prices are best to buy a computer (meaning cpu,video card, ram , everything etc,). I mostly mean best time to buy parts to build one such as But one of their quad core processors has been the same price for months and just wondering when are the new processors coming out to bump down the price on the old ones. But in general when is the best time to buy? And also the computer cases down go down in price either. I'm just waiting so far...:confused:
Probably never because hardware is always updating and getting cheaper!
Now's a good time for quad core and high speed DDR2 though with the launch of i7 and DDR3...
There really isn't a good time, I bought my stuff when I first got into it, and upgraded a few things later on that would last me awhile, and I ended up doubling that span by adding a second video card. I'm holding off for a few months for a new build, to see whats being released.
i'd say the time when a new series of part is released. for e.g. the i7 has been released so quad cores prices are down. same for GPU. these 2 are the most expensive components of a computer.