Best headphones for gaming?

I personally have this one

I was deciding between this and the Creative Fatality headset. This headset has virtual 7.1 surround sound and only needs a headphone, microphone, and USB port. It feels very comfortable, but it's padded with a plastic-leatherlike material, so if you live in a desert I would not go for this. :P

It also vibrates. Great for gaming, you can finally feel the explosions. The only disadvantage that I would say is the removable mic. It's fairly stiff, but it doesn't lock (twisting). If you set the mic it will stay there, but it can be moved. Still a great set.
I watch watching reviews recently on Youtube to do with gaming headphones but i forgot what i typed in? All i remember was the review done by TigerDirect with the crazy guy and he was reviewing the Creative Fata1ity gaming headset and also doesent Razer do a headset?
Any other thoughts? I want something that has good noise canceling and is USB virtual 5.1 or 7.1 surround.

It seems like when it comes to headsets, the people on newegg are extremely picky. The reviews of most headsets are just terrible!
I use Sony noise cancellation headphones...kinda expensive but well worth it. Great sound quality:)