Best computer for college?


New Member
I am starting college next year. Im probably doing a graphic design/I.T. Based subject. I currently own a dell inspiron desktop pc which I was going upgrade to windows 7 and upgrade to 4th of ram. However, if a mac is more useful for this subject, I will put the money towards a mac instead. I have read that they are better for graphics based subjects. Also, will I find a laptop more useful?
I'd check out your school's requirements and what exact software you'll be using first.

I remember shelling out some cash so I could have a spare computer for a future Linux/UNIX class. It turns out all of the lessons in the class involved remotely logging into the school's server through SSH using any Windows based computer of my choice. I never needed to buy anything.
Although I hate my computer and everything about it, I recommend a tablet computer. With onenote, you can put all your notes into the computer, be able to search for them and so much more. It all depends on what you think you will need and as said before what the school requires.