Best 5.1 system


New Member
I've just got a sizeable sum of money for my 18th birthday (on sunday) ;) .
I was gonna get a 5.1 surround sound system. Just wondering whats the best one for around £50-75.
Ill probly get the 5.1 Audigy to go with it.

Main point is about the speakers tho.

Cheers :cool:
I have the Logitech Z-5300. I don't have much to compare it to but I think it sounds pretty good. The subwoofer can really put out a lot of bass. It cost about $140 (USD), I don't know how much that would be in pounds.
Dont know how much that is in U.S$, but i have the Logitech Z-5300 5.1 system for $200 (probably out of your price range). They have lower models that offer 5.1 sound for around $100.

And the Logitech Z-5300 has older and newer models, i have the 280Watt version (bought it a few months ago).
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well thanks for the info, but if you had read the previous post you would have noticed that i have bought a set of speakers already.

$200 = roughly £100
Make no mistake about it.. the Logitech Z-5300 is a great system.. but the Z-680 is the real AWESOME SYSTEM here and is far better. You can get it for $249 (USD). Don't do something idiotic like I did and order it without the control center though.