Becoming Certified in Windows 7


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I want to get a certification for windows 7. I'm looking at getting Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator for Windows 7... Is anyone on this forum certified, and how difficult is the test... I'm up for training, I just do not know where to get it, and where would I take the test? I am completely new to certifications, I do have a degree in IS and digital media tho

Training: Ten years of personal experience, and self-taught.
Certification: Micro$oft Certain Windows Systems Hater for all Windows versions.
Certification does not always ensure you get the job believe me I interview people all the time.. Cerfitication to most employeers shows you are able to have a ton of stuff shoved down your throat and regurgigate it to them... Simply put.. yes you can take the test and get it but showing you can do it and can talk to them proves it.. Do a lot of planning but right now still as of earlier this week 75% of business computers still run xp i would concentrate on that as well if i was you as many businesses are not in a hurry to go to 7..
Yep. Some businesses just don't think it's worth it to buy gaming grade computers by their standards when computers that run XP work just fine. To me, certification isn't worth it, what counts is that you know your stuff, have good character, manners, and hygiene. Personal experience is what I would hire people for, not for their encyclopedic qualities. If you were a teacher, certification is handy, but for a tech, it's just not necessary.
LOL. Yep, hygiene will help you tremendously in getting and keeping a job. No one like being around someone with bad hygiene, including employers, and especially in the office environment.
donno bout microsoft but i got my cert 1 &2 doing my 3 and im cisco Certified CCNA 1 & 2
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