Basic networking


New Member
Firstly, apologies for asking very basic questions. Please only reply if you have some patience....

I have no networking experience except simple crossover one-to-one connection using NetBeui protocol (might be spelled wrong).

I want to set up a broadband home network. I want to be able to share files and the printer between all pc's (5 in total). I also want to be able to limit the times of day that internet access is available because I am an old fashioned father who believes in fresh air and exercise blah, blah, blah....

Am I right in thinking a router is the best way to connect up? I think I should be able to configure the firewall and connection settings to allow only the applications I want to connect and only when?

Is it possible to acheive this without a router?

Thanks in advance.
Yes, a router is the answer to all your dreams...
A router has the option to block certain port for certain computer by the time of the day. So simply blocking ports 1-69000 on all PS's all day would work great. The networking part, you just need to remember to place all the computers in the same workgroup name.

About the firewall... The firewall for a router does not look INSIDE to see whats looking for a connection going out. It only blocks things from the outside in. You will need local software on each pc if you want to minimize the application you want. A router can be between 30-60$ USD... Anything more is really to much.