Backing up to a server off site


New Member
I posted something about this idea under a different board but figured out what I am going to in that regard. Anyways, I have an old computer laying around with XP and I am going to put in a 1TB drive and leave it over at my parents house. I already backup stuff to an external drive locally but want to do one over there in case of theft or fire to my home. What is the best way to do this? Do I need to FTP to the offsite comptuer, or is there a better way? If that is the best way, do I just need to find some backup software that supports FTP? Any advice would be great.
Can that not be done with XP on the old machine? I'm not familiar with Linux except for brielfy playing around with it in some computer classes in school 15 years ago.
How much data are you looking at backing up?

If it is a significant amount, ie in the GB's. I would be setting up Rsync. So it only updates changes in files and does not need to re-copy the files all the time.

Another option, if you are only doing this in case of your pc dieing or your house burning down and there isn't a lot of data what about just using dropbox? Have a monitored folder on your pc that automatically pushes the documents etc up to dropbox servers. If you want a copy at your parents house you could install it there too and have it pulling the data down from dropbox to it's managed folder. Data is then in 3 locations.

None of these options provide versioning, they are just straight copies.
Yes it definitely would be in the GBs. I have thousands of photos and music that takes up a lot of space. It basically would just be a copy of what I have at home so I will have two separate copies of the backup. I just want this one at my parents house in case the computer and external hard at home gets stolen or burns down then I would still have a copy of my data. Isn't there a charge for Dropbox? If so, that is what I am trying to avoid by doing this otherwise I would just use an online backup company. I don't know anything about Rsync but I will look into it. Thanks.