automatic IP address


New Member
Hi all
i have a second PC which is a wireless. 2 days ago, the IP address became automatic, thus i'm unable to connect to the internet. I tried to repair it but failed. is my dhcp missing? can i do a system restore on this?
i've also tried to connect that PC to the router. But failed too. The ip address is still automatic
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what do you mean the ip is automatic, this can have 2 meanings
1. you client machine is set to pick up an ip addy automatically from the router via dchp

2. You client machine tries to pick up an ip addy, fails and therefore assigns its self the autoconfiguration ip address, nomally (i think)
I think is's just the fact that ISPs don't like you renewing your IP too many times. Just wait about 24 hours and everything should be allright. But, if you're using a router, unplug it and plug it (power cable) back in again. Do the same with any modems you have, (not dial-up) too.
Hi jasssie,
I take it you're referring to the Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), in which your computer allocates an ip address for your computer in the range from to You can try renewing the ip address for your computer (goto DOS prompt and type: ipconfig /renew) or you can reset your router (power it off and back on) and it should reallocate ip addresses.

apj101: is the ip address for your physical network adapter, and you ping that address when determining if your network adapter is faulty.