Audio Problem -Stumped


New Member
heres my system:
asus p4p800edeluxe (onboard 7.1)
3.2 ghz
gig ram

Now to the problem, I bought a new set of speakers a few weeks ago, the Logitech x-530 5.1's. I plugged em into a friends comp and working fine(he has a audigy2zs), all speakers blasting. But when I go to put them in mine, I can only get 2speakers + the subwoofer working. Where I plug the green and the black wire determines which 2 work, the front of the back. I can't get the centre to ever work.

I thought it might have been a problem with the onboard sound, so I went out n got a cheap 5.1 soundcard, disabled onboard in bios, installed the new drivers and everything. but i can still only get 2/5 speakers working.

I have changed the settings in control panel to 5.1, but to no avail. I am really stumped, hopefully some1 can help me

First, make sure every wire is connected correctly/firmly. Which sound card do you prefer to use? I'll assume the onboard for this topics sake. Uninstall your pci soundcard. You know your speakers are in working condition cuz you said you tested them so this has to be a software issue (well, 99% prolly). Install the latest mobo drivers which will include the sound drivers for your onboard. You mentioned that it matters where you have the wires plugged in, which sound jack is it the front channels, rear, or center/sub? Somewhere in your settings for onboard sc should be config for speakers.
damn, that sound exactly like the problem i have on my abit ai7 onboard sound.I can only get the rear the speaker working, and the sub. But never the front speakers. The mic works fine also. I have tried every bloody thing i could think of including installing all the lastest drivers. Nothing works. I was just about to go out a get a cheap sound card in the next few days and see if that fixed it. If anyone can think of a solution or suggestion then please do.

(oh also intestingly a sound file played in sndrec32 (sound recorder) will not play out of the rear speaker either - it also wont play when i call the play sound api call from vb or c++, but the same sound file will play out of the rear speaker when played in other sound apps such as realplayer. )

on the sub? oo you mean the subwoofer - well i dont actually have a woofer i just meant that if i hook up speaker to the sub jack then sound does come out (unless that sound was played with sound recorder)
i was talking to the first guy. but what program were you using to get the sound to play. ie winamp, WMP or just windows in general?
i believe were suffering the same prob. If i use sound rec i dont get sound from rear speakers, if i use any more advanced app i get sound ok from the rears.
in that case, i have a similar problem, but its just winamp that doesnt play out of rear speakers, WMP plays fine so i use that now
well i figured it out. I had left a pair of jumpers of on the mobo audio connector, so the mobo sound thought it was playing from the front connector dispite there not being one. All fixed now :D

Maybe you should check your connections VII