audigy 2 value?


New Member
ok im pretty cheap and the audigy 2 value looks almost exactly the same as the ZS except that it doesnt come with firewire, joystick, and the SNR is a little lower. Now is there going to be a big difference between the two or are they the same other then those differences?
well, i have the audigy 2 zs, and i used to have a sound blaster live!, and to tell you the truth, i didnt notice a huge difference between them, so id say that it would sound pretty much the same, that or get the Live!
the audigy 2 is cheap, look around on the web and youll find it for under $70 no problem. Think of it this way......the qualities the card contains are features that will make the card usable for an extended period of time.
I also upgraded From a soundblaster Live! 5.1 to the Soundblaster Audigy2 value and have not noticed much diff. with sound but of course my reason to upgrade was better support for EAX. It is a good card and if your only gaming and listening to music I recommend it.
The technical difference between Audigy2 and Audigy2 ZS is something like an extra 2db SNR ... but considering most peoples speakers are ~96SNR anyways ... its not a big deal :)