Are computers creative?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm doing a university assignment on Artificial Intelligence theories of Creativity and would like to know what you guys think about computers and creativity, so would really appreciate if anyone would like to comment on these questions - Are computers creative?
Or is it the programmer who is creative?

Thanks very much,

always the programmer. the windows environment is created by people. many diff ver available. Also programs. People get clever on how its done. might be defrag, a database, office or what ever. Language the same way. how its written. what language they use. Don't see much machine assembly. Many use run time compilers. take up lots of space now but the computers are faster also and can get away with it.
Assembly machine language with the processor at cpu level has almost slipped through cracks these days because of speed. its harder because of the instruction set and take longer.

years ago it was basic or machine assembly in the early 70's.
almost gone none i think.
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yes and no. As tremmor said, it is always down to what the programmer writes, so you could argue any "creativity" is just human creativity, and the computer is a go between.

But then look at something like a visualizer on a media player, or games such as audiosurf. Yes, they only work on algoriths put in by a programmer, but what artist, without a computer, could put something together like that, and make it move like that and be so immersive? Audiosurf makes each track on its own depending on the music, it isn't the programmer making the track, it is the programmer giving the instructions, and the program making the art, so it is the computer that was creative
You might want to look into Genetic Algorithms (GAs).

Shapes are generated and cross breed. The user removes unwanted shapes from the pool after every cross breeding until there are a selection of shapes with desired parameters.

The parameters set by the user can be:

Edge/Face Smoothness
Surface Area

These shapes are then used for whatever item is being designed.

One of my tutors presented at the 6th International Conference on Computer Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design, Delft University of Technology, May 29th – June 1st 2005. You might be able to find the papers.

Hope that helps, Doug.
Hi everyone,

I'm doing a university assignment on Artificial Intelligence theories of Creativity and would like to know what you guys think about computers and creativity, so would really appreciate if anyone would like to comment on these questions - Are computers creative?
Or is it the programmer who is creative?

Thanks very much,


yr 10 students answer...

HELL YES computers are creative. the programmer tells them what to do but they are creative. watch the movie Electric Dreams.