VIP Member
Hey everybody I have a question for those who own Apple products but I would first start of by saying I am not intending this to be a place to start a flame war, I have a legit question. So the wife and I are already starting to look at Christmas presents for my son and last year we bought him a "nabi" tablet which as I told my wife may barely make it to this Christmas. I want to get him a Nexus and she wants to get him a ipad. When we are at stores or friends houses my son will prefer to play on a Apple product when available so I am not opposed to getting him a Apple product but I was wondering if Apple is continuing to build their products to the same level they did when Steve Jobs was alive. I only ask because I remember when Steve Jobs left the company prior which I believe was in the 90's they still made decent products but I know that hardware performance continually fell behind and Mac OS 9 was maybe the worst OS they ever made. So for those of you who own a newer Apple product do you feel both hardware and software are within the same standards they would have shortly ago with Steve jobs?