Apple Maintaining quality?


VIP Member
Hey everybody I have a question for those who own Apple products but I would first start of by saying I am not intending this to be a place to start a flame war, I have a legit question. So the wife and I are already starting to look at Christmas presents for my son and last year we bought him a "nabi" tablet which as I told my wife may barely make it to this Christmas. I want to get him a Nexus and she wants to get him a ipad. When we are at stores or friends houses my son will prefer to play on a Apple product when available so I am not opposed to getting him a Apple product but I was wondering if Apple is continuing to build their products to the same level they did when Steve Jobs was alive. I only ask because I remember when Steve Jobs left the company prior which I believe was in the 90's they still made decent products but I know that hardware performance continually fell behind and Mac OS 9 was maybe the worst OS they ever made. So for those of you who own a newer Apple product do you feel both hardware and software are within the same standards they would have shortly ago with Steve jobs?
iPads are still the same quality they were when they came out. Just be sure to get a decent case for it (such as a full case OtterBox) otherwise you risk cracking the glass if dropped.
Steve Jobs was into the company obviously but the after he came back in the iMac G3 era he wasn't near as influential as before he left, so don't think Steve Jobs caused quality, it's all of Apple. Apply has high quality products, I use my relatives iPad 2 every once in awhile, it's a nice solid product. I would get your son a Nexus 7 though, cheaper, has a ton of apps, and just as durable as the iPad with a case.
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I liked the Nexus 7 but after playing with a note ii, id suggest a samsung note 8 or note 10.1...just a much nicer product, on par with build quality of the apple and has a stylus too... sucker is magic.
After using the S4 I have trouble recommending any Android powered Samsung device, honestly.

Then you're choosing the wrong devices :rolleyes:

Since I didn't recommend an Android tablet before, allow me to suggest the Nexus 7, Nexus 10, or an ASUS Transformer.
You are just post whoring is what you are doing.

I would take the android route of either the aforementioned nexus, or a Samsung galaxy. I got my younger sister thee galaxy 7 last Christmas for her to play games on. She loves it and it is still going strong.

Apple is not synonymous with quality so far as i am concerned. Any device which will have the screen break from a light breeze when we have the technology to allow the screens to withstand massive weights and drops for relatively cheap(see Nokia) is not high quality.
Well I'm very sorry, I didn't realize 2 single word posts would be that bad, when ramdokk has multiple 2 to 5 word posts.
Apple's quality isn't the problem, it's mostly what you get for the price and the software compatibility...
I have seen it that Apple's quality is still of the top order, not sure about the software quality, but hardware is very good quality. I think after it comes Asus in term of quality.
Samsung and Nokia (phone wise) come next according to me.
Thanks for all the responses everyone. More then likely my son will get a ipad as that is the U/I he prefers and price is not my concern.

Though I do side on with most of you if I did buy him a Android tablet I would only get him a Nexus or Asus tablet since those are the only ones that run stock Android, Samsung ruined android with touchwiz.

I would also beg to differ on Apple's influenced by Steve Jobs, when he left the old CEO of Coca Cola basically ran them into the ground. This is why when he came back and started to move them into a new direction and MS placed a investment into them.