Apache Server/ports need suggestions


VIP Member
Hello all,

I have been put into a little bit of a rough place here.. trying to work this out for personal use.

I have A small apache server running on my computer with a Cgi-Proxy script which allows me to bypass the webpage filter at work. This apache server use port 80 (HTTP).
Among many other things installed I have Cs Source installed, AND only works if I forward the ports. If I place the computer in the DMZ CS wont work.

So anyway, I have the ports forwarded fine to the local machine through the router. The apache server needs Port 80, yet the router requires it for logging in to the interface... Therefor is unavilable.

Must I pick between CS and the Cgi proxy?

Is there a way to specify that the http request use a different port number, just like FTP? ftp://ipaddress:85

Or is it possible to change the port on the local machine and just forward the public ip 80 to the local ip 85?

in the apache config file you can change the port that apache runs on, so if you change it from 80 to 85 you should be able to forward your extarnal ip's port 85 to the internal port 85

i tihnk that explains what you were asking

Lee :D
HAHAH Im an idiot... The router still blocks the inbound http request on port 80.. so I FINALLY got a way for it to work..
All i did was make it a secure server https:// (which is port 443) and wallla

Thx for the help!