AOL Boradband nightmare


New Member
AOL "upgraded" my broadband connection from 1 meg to 2 meg last Friday. Since then my connection is almost dead. I cant open half of the pages, cannot download etc. I've rung 3 times to them and all they can say it takes another 24-48 hours. The only thing I could ask now from you is about these figures on my wireless router. Is any of them un-normal? Line attenuation: Downstream 34db, upstream 10db, Noise margin donw 31db, upstream 31db. By the way, I've got 2PC (1 wired, 1 wireless) and 1mac (wired) and they all have the same problem.
AOL itself is a nightmare. Before I got Camcast, AOL started disallowing internet access. Then we we tried to get rid of their terrible service and they gave us a free trial of a service that didn't exist so we would keep paying them. I swear, getting this from AOL isn't uncommon.

Just a joke so don't take it personal.
Haha, yeah AOL is terrible. Better put, it's EVIL. That's what I heard from my friend who works in AOL Customer Support. He says AOL uses dirty tricks just to get money.

And I've heard him talk of an AOL Browser (VERY slow and buggy). Is this true? If so, do people actually use it?
yes there is an aol browser and IT SUCKS IT SUCKS IT SUCKS!!!!! stops responding all the time it a piece of crap.
Ha I do have AOL, I just do not have the AOL application. The router takes it all with out logging onto the crappy service.

It is prob the worst ISP around, do you have any other ISPs that could be as bad or even worse than AOL???