First and foremost everyone should just learn to use Google. If you know how to ask the right question 99.9% of the time Google is far more accurate than a human.
Point in case. There is this book that I read a review on a few years back and it looked interesting. I kind of remember the basics of it and I remember the cover art of the book. I could not for the life of me remember the book's title or the author.
I called my friends, posted on forums, no one knew anything what I was talking about. Mainly, because I did not have enough information for them to go off of. The book ended up actually having two authors which is why I probably could never remember the author's name.
I ended up finding the book by doing google image searches based on the description of the book cover from what I remembered. I even tried talking to people at book stores, and they couldn't figure it out.
Of course this is an example of me pretty much not knowing much other than the book was about some space like ape creatures that had three arms and that the cover had one flying out of the a some sort of air ship in the sky. It took me a few tries to word the questions and keywords right into Google image searching but the second I saw the cover I knew I had found the book I was looking for.
I gave so many humans that small amount of information and they could not figure it out.
I am starting to digress here from my original point. Which is, learn how to use google and you could have looked up all your questions very easily.