Anti-Forcing to make a picture ;D


New Member
There are some game servers that force your computer to take pictures and i dont want trash in my computer. Is there a way to disallow this forcing?
There is such thing amxbans, whenever you get banned the game forces you to take a picture that appears in your games directory. Is it possible to disallow the game to do that?
That would be better answered potentially by someone else, but I would think that it's an anti-hacking/anti-cheating feature in the game(s) that do that. It may even be part of the terms of use in the game that in order to play online you have to have that feature loaded. But, like I said, that would probably be something better answered by someone else who has experience in these matters.
Yes it is. Some people say that they dont get a screenshot made so i thought if its possible to turn it off/on. But You dont have to have amxbans, everything is server side.
I thought this could work like .cfg files, you right click on them and press on properties and then put a tick on read-only so servers couldnt bind your options with advertisement.