Antec 120mm TriCools


Active Member
I am curious is there a decent place to buy these that doesn't charge 50-60% of the fan costs with shipping? $14 for the fan and $10 for the shipping is getting rather stupid considering I can ship my Corsair 750w for $7 via USPS. Even better is there a similar fan with 3 speed control without paying for the name?

I like to run these on low during the winter when its super quiet in my room but during the summer I crank them to high as I have my fan/gpu creating so much extra noise for me :P

I found this site and it seems to good to be true. Anyone ever use them before?

Though the shipping is a little over the top it seems to be a possibility. 3 Tricools for $18 shipped. That is the price for almost 1 that I found on Newegg/Antec site ~_~
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Well I went a head and ordered from them. Will update you if they come and are as advertised. Its a mass-purchase site with some actual good deals on a few things :P
Well small update got them today and they appear to be of spec. 2 are in great condition but one is making a ringing sound on low not really a major turn down but a tad annoying. Also no screws come with them just as a FYI.