Am i day dreaming or is this possible?


New Member
Would it be possible to stream a game from my pc onto a laptop.

Now im not on about a video stream i know thats possible, i mean like control my pc from say work, on a shitty cheap laptop and be able to play a game that my desktop is running but have its stream on my laptop? Sort of like a DIY Onlive i guess.

Is it possible? Or am i dreaming, also if it is possible would the receptor device (laptop) have to be powerful or could it be a bog standard lappy?

Again, i was just thinking in my head i am not trolling or anything but it would seem like a cool thing to do when i have downtime in work :p
You mean laptop will control the game using its keyboard, mouse and display and uses the desktop to power the game and stream it (show the actually graphics/output on the laptop screen)?

I think you will need software's like team-viewer to control the desktop, but the software will need to be a bit higher end and the communication medium between the desktop and laptop needs to be quite fast.
Like a remote desktop? I had the same idea and posted here. Voyager said the lag would make it unplayable.

well provided both locations had a good speed it seems plausible to do it, but idk how practical, you may be able to do it using a not so intense game just to pass the time but not really in BF3 where you have to react instantly
too much latency, though some company was going to do some cloud rendering thing, though i think the company filed for bankruptcy and was bought up...not sure where that is going now.
too much latency, though some company was going to do some cloud rendering thing, though i think the company filed for bankruptcy and was bought up...not sure where that is going now.

Onlive, and they would have but they did something else where companies came in and bought it or something, either way the company is still active but iirc the owners are different (think some big electronics or something company was involved).

thought it was AT&T but was wondering why they'd be in it. But if they had abandoned the console idea and gotten better advertising (there was a good bit of it) they could be good, the main problem is the people who don't have a computer for or the funds to make one a gamer, most likely won't have uber internet, which is needed for using onlive. With my speedtested 20+ i was able to play it but it would still have a few hickups and the delay was there if i wanted to turn fast, so it's not a perfect thing yet (c'mon google fiber-optics or whatever with my gigabit interwebz :rolleyes:)
If you have a very fast connection with a very low ping, under 5 Ms and over 10 Mbps, you could game with little lag with programs like team viewer or logmein, which I have used.
If he's streaming via 4G or equivalent, then its possible. HD streaming is altogether possible. There is a company already doing it.