

New Member
Sorry about the extra post - it won;t let me edit the old one. This extract of the Quentin Docter’s book shows the level of depth he jumps into, almost straight away. Do I need this kind of depth for the CompTIA A+ exam?

Does anyone know of a slightly easier to understand book, please?
Many many thanks,

“Additionally, technologies similar to NVIDIA’s scalable link interface (SLI) allow such users to combine prefably identical graphic adapters in appropriately spaced PCIe x16 slots with a hardware bride to form a single virtual graphics adapter. The job of the bridge is to provide non-chipset communication among the adapters. The bridge is not a requirement for SLI to work, but performance suffers without it. SLI-ready motherboards allow two, three or fourPCIe graphics adapter to pool their graphics processing units (GPUs), and memory to feed graphics output to a single monitor attached to the adapter acting as the primary SLI device.”