To get my 4.1 system to work, i need to use 6 chanall and have my sub plugged in to the third port. BUT two of my speakers plug into my sub, which i need to have pluged into the second port.
TO MAKE IT SIMPLE:I need an adapter that takes two "mono" plugs and combines them into a "stero" plug. I know mono and stero arn;t the names, but best way i could explain it, i need them both to merge into one cord that supports2 wires basicy like when you plug stero speakers into your PC.
TO MAKE IT SIMPLE:I need an adapter that takes two "mono" plugs and combines them into a "stero" plug. I know mono and stero arn;t the names, but best way i could explain it, i need them both to merge into one cord that supports2 wires basicy like when you plug stero speakers into your PC.