acerone codec


New Member
I bought my wife an acer one and have just put an avi video file on it, the sound of the file played but no video was displayed and the error message "cannot find codec matching selected-vo and video format 0x44495658.
Can someone please advise me on how we can watch these avi video files on the acerone.
Many thanks in advance.
I tried to put the codecs I have on but the acerone could not open the files, do I need a specific pack for the linux os
I'm not super familiar with the Acer One. What distro of Linux are you running? That might help us a little more with finding a pack of codecs that would work well for you.
Assuming the default OS is still on it it is Linpus Lite. It's fedora's been a while... is it possible to grab a multimedia playback package with cvs?
Sorry Cromwell, you are dealing with someone who was only introduced to computers less than twelve months ago, so all that, and your question brycematheson712 went completely over my head.
Sorry I couldn't provide you with more details but thanks for your time and effort anyway.
My fault, I was asking someone who uses linux more than me. It looks like they want you to use LiveUpdate to grab updated packages instead of yum or any other updating tool. Try running liveupdate and looking for video playback packages. If there aren't any there's probably some for fedora that are compatible.