6ft Monster DVI TO HDMI Cable

you're crazy if you think anyone will buy that when they can get it off newegg for 8 bucks. sell it to some sucker who doesn't know any better.
NO they do not sell a Monster DVI TO HDMI they sell the little adaptor but you will still need to buy a hdmi cable. The adaptor is $30 alone. The other cables are cheap and they don't work as well
I bought an OKGear 6ft DVI to HDMI cable for like $10.

Works perfectly on my 32'' LCD.

Would have bought this from you if you posted a few weeks ago.

I bought my DVI -> HDMI cable for $7.53 shipped.

DVI-D, DVI-I(digital) and HDMI are all digital, you're out of your mind if you think the brand matters.

If it's digital, it either works, or it doesn't. Simple as that.

Good luck with your sale, though :)

(Few days late, but I felt like posting ;))
i doubt he's going to be able to sell it here after everyone posting they can get it elsewhere for cheap like 5-10 bucks a pop.