5.1 speakers and headset in 7.1 sound card


New Member
Hello all!
is it possible to have some 5.1 speakers and a headset(with microphone) in a 7.1 surround sound card?
if so could you please tell me how or if there is an adaptor to use?
Thanks :)
i believe theres a switch you can use where you plug them both in but flip it depending on what you want to use but you cant have them both used at once
If you wanted to use like the microphone and the speakers at the same time you can, just plug in the green, orange, and black plugs for the speakers and the red one for the mic and just leave the green one from the headset unplugged.
yeah i think you can cuz the sound card should have a REAR/FRONT/SUBWOOFER/MIC/HEADSET out i think

what connection is the headset (USB or 3.5mm
yeah i think you can cuz the sound card should have a REAR/FRONT/SUBWOOFER/MIC/HEADSET out i think

what connection is the headset (USB or 3.5mm
I assumed 3.5mm since there is no usb on a soundcard. And soundcards don't have a dedicated headset connection, its just the green plug I believe.
oh yeah

and the sound card dont have to have USB but if the headset is USB then just plug that in and youll get speakers and headset
No my headset isnt USB :(
So if i just plug all the ones in and just switch the green plug for either headset or Speakers, eventhough its a bit annoying its better than having only headset or speakers.
oh yeah

and the sound card dont have to have USB but if the headset is USB then just plug that in and youll get speakers and headset
Well kind of, I have a USB headset, when I plug it in, that becomes the primary sound device, so in a sense it disables the sound card so only the headset works, when you unplug it, then the speakers work again.
well i bet theres some software out there to duplicate it

or you could get a spliter and have the jack that goes to the speakers be slpit into two and one goes to speaker and one goes to headset