5.1 headset

The Astroman

Active Member
Hey guys. I just bought a 5.1 headset online and would like to know if I can still get 5.1 sound on a laptop (only headphone / mic output)... Not necessarily true 5.1, where the sound you hear is the sound where it comes from. What you hear on the right is what is coming on the right. I can do with the same sound seeming to come all around you.

Do I need 2 of these


To make this


With the three 5.1 jacks, CENTER, FRONT and BACK

Which would effectively give the same sound to each of the inputs of the headset, giving an equal sound, albeit surround.
I honestly dont know.
But i got that same exact ipod splitter to solve my problem with having my 5.1 speakers plugged in and have my computer headset plugged in at the same time...
I am still working on it. lol.
well, the channel cable that you split twice would be quieter than the other one, but besides that, it should work.
Really? The 2 in 1's actually give a different volume output? Damn.

But if I were to only plug the "front" plug, I would just get regular stereo, but wouldn't it feel as if some sound was missing from around me?
lol im not sure you understand. a regular headphone jack gives you right and left hearing ability, thats standard. when you do this, all your doing is multiplying that very same signal, not really changing anything at all... you will still hear only right and left sounds, no difference at all
I wouldnt, its all the same sound after all. Just use the green one, thats what I do with my 5.1 z-5300's on my laptop, and you still hear everything out of all the speakers, its just not different front, rear, center, etc positions.
Oh my. you can't get 5.1 from a headset. At least not weird looking ones. Do youself a favor, save yourself some trouble, and plug in your headset to the ONE JACK on your laptop.