I screwed up the BIOS setting and PC won't boot


Active Member
Gigabyte B450M DS3H

When trying to change to secured boot, I screwed up some setting (Key enrolled?) and now the PC won't boot.

I've tried removing the CMOS battery and shorting the +ve and -ve terminal of the socket. Now the computer would just turned on but no signal to the monitor while the CPU fan is on. The keyboard has not num lock light.

Please help me restart the computer.
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Did you turn on Secure Boot back on to confirm it will boot to Windows?
The problem was when I tried to enable Secure Boot. It said it was enabled, but underneath it said "Not Active". It said something about enrolling the key, which I tried and then save and exit. That's when hell broke loose.
Can you get back into bios yet? I think secure boot needs uefi bios enabled and csm disabled. Do you have a system speaker attached to motherboard for bios beeps?
Can you get back into bios yet? I think secure boot needs uefi bios enabled and csm disabled. Do you have a system speaker attached to motherboard for bios beeps?
I spent a lot of time with Gigabyte phone support. Tried everything they knew without success. Ended up buying a new MBO because it's not worth fixing.